tisdag 28 februari 2012

I love Jesus as my prophet but refuse to worship him as an idol

' Look, what if I told you there was something you were missing What if I told you that Jesus doesn't really fit into your description What if I told you that follower of Christ doesn't automatically mean Christian And just because you believe in faith doesn't mean Jesus didn't believe in submission And conviction Listen

You say Jesus was God, and that God had descended We say Jesus was man, for Jesus was dependent Our God is all great and cannot be comprehended You say that God was murdered, but you believe that he pretended See, God gave us brains, and God gave us logic But I guess God wanted us to use them in everything else except for this topic It's like wearing a cross and proclaiming that you love Jesus When if God was murdered on the cross, the cross really shouldn't please us I mean would you be wearing an axe if it was used to chop your mother up into pieces?

And just to clarify, I do love Jesus, matter of fact I love him more than you Because when Jesus said, "Do something," I actually do However, I'm not connected with the church nor with the Bible
Before I move on, there's something I need to mention The worshipping of Jesus is a manmade invention He never asked for your worship so he could grant you protection Rather he asked you to alternate your prayers towards another direction To God and God only, and pray that he accepts them And know that just because you love Jesus, doesn't mean he feels the same way about your affection See, what you believe in is exactly what he resented, matter of fact it's everything he despised See, the worshipping of creation goes against the very message he supplied So you began to follow a religion, and called it love in´

   ,- A Youtubeer :-D

1 kommentar:

  1. Hello! Hahaha, I doubt the first stament you made, because first of all, I write more than 50% of my posts in Swedish. And if you really had read my blogg you would have known that I'm not connected with the church nor with the Bible ;) In matter of fact I'm Muslim ;)
