tisdag 28 februari 2012

I got some mental issues

Non I can get diagnosed for however...
It just that Whenever I say i will go and study , I do everything I shouldn't do! I hate it!
Today I have done Nooothing, and I littrarly mean naada!
*slap Slap* I should wake up from my lovely dream =(
My head hurts, my shoulders are too heavy My heart is living its own world And my brain dosent need all this crap!
I Should cheer up!, Dagen är ännu inte slut, I can make a lot of changes. I will start with cleaning my room that looks like an absolute mess and then I will pray, since Magrib is on its way ;) And Lastly I will Send my Interview questions and then start studying Biology ,*Breathing Out*

Nana Aint home, and I need to vent all this shit somewhere '^.^

Seriously My world is nothing with out my Nana, She is my living diary, she of all knows me the best. I never tell my real opinions to people except for Nana! My friend are just Friends, I bet the ones I'm closest to don't know me fully, they know 20 % of me, and thats the part I show them!
I hate , truly hate gettting personal with people, I like keeping them a distance , since I never know when they will back stapp me, throughout my life I have learned one thing, Friend are temporary , they are there for the moment. How Could I possibly tell them all about me then?
They might forget me , but I will never forget them...

I hate it when fake bitches that I have never been friends with Just pop up from nowhere and act like my bestie ! Soo groosss, But I have promised myself one thing I Will never fall as low as them, I will act wiser, and therefor I fake it for them, put a meaningless smile on my face to satisfy them, Dumb idiots!, Do they seriously believe that I have forgotten how they treated me! I might smile all the time, but One thing they should know is, I'm doing it for myself, that smile will give me strenght, to make you a nano particle of my life!!

I hate hating! I often say that I hate this and that , but that is temporary! I can eassly dislike , but hate would take too much of my time, If i dont like you I dont have a single reason to put effort in hating you, I rather make you invisible, you are not worth my time, In matter of facts you are not worth my attention!

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