Och där tog vår själv designade kalender slut :-( WHAT SHOULD WE DO NOW ? :*)
onsdag 29 februari 2012
Oh maah
I was trying to figure out who Iman Chanell looked like in this picture, it took me some days, but I finally know !
She looks like one of the girls from shake it up Chicago !
tisdag 28 februari 2012
I love Jesus as my prophet but refuse to worship him as an idol
You say Jesus was God, and that God had descended We say Jesus was man, for Jesus was dependent Our God is all great and cannot be comprehended You say that God was murdered, but you believe that he pretended See, God gave us brains, and God gave us logic But I guess God wanted us to use them in everything else except for this topic It's like wearing a cross and proclaiming that you love Jesus When if God was murdered on the cross, the cross really shouldn't please us I mean would you be wearing an axe if it was used to chop your mother up into pieces?
And just to clarify, I do love Jesus, matter of fact I love him more than you Because when Jesus said, "Do something," I actually do However, I'm not connected with the church nor with the Bible
Before I move on, there's something I need to mention The worshipping of Jesus is a manmade invention He never asked for your worship so he could grant you protection Rather he asked you to alternate your prayers towards another direction To God and God only, and pray that he accepts them And know that just because you love Jesus, doesn't mean he feels the same way about your affection See, what you believe in is exactly what he resented, matter of fact it's everything he despised See, the worshipping of creation goes against the very message he supplied So you began to follow a religion, and called it love in´
The Extra day......
The Extra day is on its way and I better use it wisely ! 29th February , Here I come !
The female Weezy :-D !
'I am the female Weezy, this shit is easy, Pull up in that new new, bitch get a squeegee. Yeah, my flow sick, (yeah) yeah my flow queasy, Haha they were sleepin on me, z-z-z-z-z. This pussy clean, this pussy squeaky, That pussy old, that pussy creaky. When I'm out the country, niggas call me Neeki, Hi how are you, yes it's nice to meet me. Damn, billboard. I mean I'm winnin but I'm still bored. Yeah we shine, gold cluster. As for your career? Dead. Ghostbusters.'
- Nicki Minaj , Y U Mad
I got some mental issues
It just that Whenever I say i will go and study , I do everything I shouldn't do! I hate it!
Today I have done Nooothing, and I littrarly mean naada!
*slap Slap* I should wake up from my lovely dream =(
My head hurts, my shoulders are too heavy My heart is living its own world And my brain dosent need all this crap!
I Should cheer up!, Dagen är ännu inte slut, I can make a lot of changes. I will start with cleaning my room that looks like an absolute mess and then I will pray, since Magrib is on its way ;) And Lastly I will Send my Interview questions and then start studying Biology ,*Breathing Out*
Nana Aint home, and I need to vent all this shit somewhere '^.^
Seriously My world is nothing with out my Nana, She is my living diary, she of all knows me the best. I never tell my real opinions to people except for Nana! My friend are just Friends, I bet the ones I'm closest to don't know me fully, they know 20 % of me, and thats the part I show them!
I hate , truly hate gettting personal with people, I like keeping them a distance , since I never know when they will back stapp me, throughout my life I have learned one thing, Friend are temporary , they are there for the moment. How Could I possibly tell them all about me then?
They might forget me , but I will never forget them...
I hate it when fake bitches that I have never been friends with Just pop up from nowhere and act like my bestie ! Soo groosss, But I have promised myself one thing I Will never fall as low as them, I will act wiser, and therefor I fake it for them, put a meaningless smile on my face to satisfy them, Dumb idiots!, Do they seriously believe that I have forgotten how they treated me! I might smile all the time, but One thing they should know is, I'm doing it for myself, that smile will give me strenght, to make you a nano particle of my life!!
I hate hating! I often say that I hate this and that , but that is temporary! I can eassly dislike , but hate would take too much of my time, If i dont like you I dont have a single reason to put effort in hating you, I rather make you invisible, you are not worth my time, In matter of facts you are not worth my attention!
There was this Little girl eating dinner with her father and a female friend of his. The father leaves the table, and female asks the little girl
Female : Where is the doll I bought you ?
The little girl looks up and answers unconcerned
The little girl : It got sick and died
Hhahahhahahahaahaahhahahahh ohhh looord !
Teddy Pain is the name, so don't get it confused
If I'm lyin I'm dyin I'm the bidness Lonely in the jungle where the lion I'm a kill it Die Hard nigga call me Bruce Willis No time for fake shit homeboy I'm the realest, nigga
Girl, you can't see me no I'm too dangerous You can't see me no I'm too dangerous Ooh-ooh ooh-ooh ooh-ooh ohh No-ooh ooh-ooh ooh-ooh ohh
måndag 27 februari 2012
Vädret som lurar ögat !
Imorse när jag va på väg ut såg det ut att vara jätte varmt , but hell no ! Det var svin kalllt ! Så min skinnjacka var inte my best option of the day !
Are you crazy ?
People are trying to say that this little boy had plastic surgery ! *Pssst* over here ...its called weight loss :-/ If you've never seen it before , take your time and realize your stupidity :-D
Secret Garden <3
I was supposed to study yesterday but guess what I did ??, I rewatched Secret Garden :-D It kinda reminded me of my hyun bin obbsession ,
Darn the boy is soome real healthy candy for the eyes !
I have never thought of this, maybe because I never bothered , but Hyun Bin looks soo asian !
I have never said this before, but when I'm watching k-dramas , I never think of the actors as asian, soo looking at hyun bin now kinda shocks me !
Too much safety is dangerous !
There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.
- John F. Kennedy
Sigmund Freud was a sick man !
He was said to be a psychologist people used to turn to when they were in need of advice. Did it not cross anyones mind to bring him to a psychologist, the man had some severe mental issues !
He damn sure must have had alot of issues with his mother sice he always blames the women for everything !
The Crucible
It waas sooo goood beyond my imaginations, and It isn't simply because Gong Yoo was the main actor ! Thats partly the reason:-D Hahah :-P
The plot had more to offer then what was expected from it ! It waas soo saad and heartbreaking that I hopelessly fell for it. Sometimes I wish the korean movies also had the perfect-american-hero-ending , buut no ! The ending waas faar from a happy ending, in matter of fact it hurt real bad inside , it felt like I was there witnessing it all with my own eyes, Yet I was powerless just like them.
Money and connection sure are the scariest things in this world since they are the root of all evil!
My Gong yoo knowing sign language makes me wanna learn it too! ^.^
söndag 26 februari 2012
Hello baby-faced Beauty ;-)
I wish I'd never watched it !
Och ,Nej ! Att see om något jag har just sett går verkligen inte... There is no suspens , no curiosity, basically no reason to watching it !
For all of you that are not following, I'm bidding my last farewell to Wild Romance, A drama too good to be seen!
Lee Dong Wook is seriously the suugo to my Canjeero, The caano to my shaah, the hilib to my biiris and lastly the moos to my baasto :-P
lördag 25 februari 2012
I want a Mohawk!
Imma Die hard like Bruce Willis
When I was a Geisha he was a Samurai
Somehow I understood him when he spoke Thai
Never spoke lies and he never broke fly
S on my chest let me get my cape on where tha certificate that I changed my name on
Na Na Na Name on where tha certificate that I changed my name on
- Your love , Nicki Minaj
Time to sleep.... 0:)
Vad hända med att sova på natten ? Hahahaha lovet har just börjat and look what I'm doing !
GULT är ju ändå den finaste färgen någonsin!
Park moo yeol is a JERK !!
He chose Jessica over gultong ! Are you craaazy ! That barbie isn't worth a thing !
fredag 24 februari 2012
Miss You Hun!
Earlier today Frida told me that when she was over at Erika's place Erika had asked if she had missed any funny jokes made by me...Isn't that adorable !
Little miss Erika You better get well soon! Its frustrating not having a reason to mix you and Frida up. Now that you have been sick I can't say "maybe I told it to Erika" when I'm speaking to Frida =( Cause it must be Frida I told , Hahahah , Yeeaaah I'm For real!
The awesome feeling when you remember something good you had forgotten
Ohhhmaaaahgaaaaaaaaat !
Nana och jag såg klart det sista avsnittet som hade sänds i koreansk tv av wild romancei söndags. Det menades att vi skulle vara tvungna att vänta på att de två sista avsnitten skulle sändas på tv och att det skulle subas ! Jag baa huuur faaan ska jag kunna göra det ?
I guess it was easy since I had completly forgotten about it till nana reminded me for some minutes ago :-D
So ikväll har vi WILD ROMANCE <3<3<3<3 Soooo happpy :-D
I <3 Patrick Janes childishness
"Sticks and stons may break my bones but names will never hurt me "
-P.Jane , The mentalist S04e16
The thing with reality
If a man's fortune does not fit him, it is like the shoe in the story; if too large it trips him up, if too small it pinches him.
- Horace
Hjärn kapacitet
It is possible to store a millions of facts in the brain but still be uneducated
- Alec Bourne .
torsdag 23 februari 2012
Check !!
Finally done with my Chemistry Test ! Jag har pluggat som en dåre ! And i mean it !
Så nu kan ja finally leave the books in school !
The morrow
Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.
- John Wayne
onsdag 22 februari 2012
Noo need to explain !
Never explain--your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.
- Elbert Hubbard
tisdag 21 februari 2012
By the way...
Jag va i biblan idag och skrev klart min Labbrapport och sen började jag läsa igenom den stora bunten med papper som vår biologi lärare gav oss. Den var faktiskt väldigt intressan. Det stod att vi människor hade 100 miljarder nervceller i vår kropp o det flesta ligger i hjärnan och ryggmärgen , hahaha it kinda makes sense since vi människor kan inte funktionerna som utan hjärna och ryggmärg.
Det stod även att insekter hade två stora galigener som kallas för hjärna, hahahahah fattar ni ! Hhahahaha !
Nu borde jag gå o lägga mig för imon sks jag upp tidigt o jogga med Nana :-D
Whenever I say I will start eating healthier
All the candy in this world will land on my hands :-(
Men jag och Nana har bestämmt oss för att springa varje morgon starting tomorrow så vi får se hur det går ;-) Med tanke på hur otränade vi(eller jag) är lär vi börja med 15mins speedwalk som uppvärmning och 15 min sprint :-D I'm actually really excited over this, suprisingly !, I Hate training, but now that I haven't done a shit in more than a year, I kinda miss it :-)
Det är alltid så ! När man är tvingad till att göra något kan man inte hålla sig ifrån att hata det. Men så fort man får chansen att göra sitt eget val blir allting roligare och lite lättare att göra...Atleast thats the case for me !
When it comes down to Chocolate
I like that French vanilla and the Caramel
when it comes to chocolate
I know that very well
Asian persuasion all the discrimination
I love how they seem to please us
I wanna taste them butterrican peacans
Peanut butterscups like Reese's Pieces
'Cuz I think you a superstar
With a ass like that you gotta blew
Before you make it big well there's just one thing that I gotta know
She wasn't working with him , she was working against him
Nana and I have finished watching Wild romance, or noot really we have to wait till friday inorder to watch the two last episodes , sp nu fördröjer vi tiden med lite Me too, flowe
Hahahaha vi går från en eyecandy to another ! Holy ! Yoon shin yoon is a pleasure to our eyes :-D Så bäst som han e sätter han vässlan på hennes plats ! Hoon e såå joobig ! I used to like her since her role in Capital scandal was soo cool, but this role of hers sucks real bad. She is naggy, naggy and basically a living headache !
måndag 20 februari 2012
Let's pay more attention !
A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that thousand of people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.
Three minutes went by and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried up to meet his schedule.
A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping continued to walk.
A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.
The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.
In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.
No one knew this but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written with a violin worth 3.5 million dollars.
Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston and the seats average $100.
This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of an social experiment about perception, taste and priorities of people.
The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour:
Do we perceive beauty?
Do we stop to appreciate it?
Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?
One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be:
If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?