söndag 30 december 2012

Paranoia ? ... Whats that?

  1. *hears noises at night*: well this is it this is the end for me I had a good life
  2. *gets shampoo in my eyes*: I guess I'm blind now how am I ever going to see my first born child
  3. *HEART IS BEATING FAST*: I think I am having a heart attack is this what cardiac arrest is
  4. *A COP WALKS BY*: here I go about to get arrested I probably murdered someone
  5. *taking a test*: don't take your eyes off of this paper you will get caught cheating and get kicked out of school and amount to nothing
  6. *gets a sunburn*: great now I have skin cancer how will I tell my parents
  7. *TRIPPING OVER SOMETHING*: I guess my leg will have to be amputated why did this happen to me
  8. *PERIOD IS LATE*: shit i'm pregnant i'm the next virgin mary
  9. *Having a headache*: Great now I have to deal with this tumor.

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