Is it that hard to let 2012 leave in peace !?
måndag 31 december 2012
söndag 30 december 2012
Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.
- Helen Keller
Kom.just på att ja aldrig la upp ngn bild på december :-/
Paranoia ? ... Whats that?
- *hears noises at night*: well this is it this is the end for me I had a good life
- *gets shampoo in my eyes*: I guess I'm blind now how am I ever going to see my first born child
- *HEART IS BEATING FAST*: I think I am having a heart attack is this what cardiac arrest is
- *A COP WALKS BY*: here I go about to get arrested I probably murdered someone
- *taking a test*: don't take your eyes off of this paper you will get caught cheating and get kicked out of school and amount to nothing
- *gets a sunburn*: great now I have skin cancer how will I tell my parents
- *TRIPPING OVER SOMETHING*: I guess my leg will have to be amputated why did this happen to me
- *PERIOD IS LATE*: shit i'm pregnant i'm the next virgin mary
- *Having a headache*: Great now I have to deal with this tumor.
lördag 29 december 2012
fredag 28 december 2012
Ooh, dat dress so scandalous...
And ya know another nigga couldn't handle itSee ya shakin' that thang like who's da ishWith a look in ya eye so devilish, uh
torsdag 27 december 2012
Ojakgyo Brothers <3<3
Anyooong !
It was a.pure pleasure spendin 58 hours with you. I do admit, I had my doubts buuut loord you exceeded my expectation !
Never once have i watched a drama this spectacular. It was surely like no other, what all the actors brought to the table and thaaat finne screenwriter! I'm speachless !!. There were no naggy scences , no loong crying scence , simply nothing that would chase me away ! (However that could be because we skipped all the "non-related" parts, by our definition ofc !)
tisdag 18 december 2012
You Go BOY!
måndag 17 december 2012
Ma birthday !
Nana väcker mig en timmma efter o ber mig ta fuffu till dagis, Im liiiike Nooooo ! But at the end i still took him to kindergaten, but with a crappy attitude ! Helt ärligt så känns dt så mkt bättre näär man e så, honestly I mean it ! Jag skulle faan bli galen om ja inte fick vara den lila bortskämda flickan ja e ! O inte vara helt o hållet rude när ja känner för det. Some people like to be quiet and act like victims, but how the hell is it good to be a vicitim? Only a person that has never experianced the aweful feeling would pretned to be such.
NO! nu ska det snackas om min födelsedag om bara mig =D EGO, Hell yeaaaah! men dt behövs, rather that then a sinner =P
Okaaay, hur vare..Joo , det va en knasig morgon/eftermiddag men allt ornda sig när ja hann till skolan innan 17 o lämna in mitt arbrete, FYI oklart! Jaaa 10 timmar va inte nog!
Men hur som helst va min 19årdag nothing like any other b-day...not in a baad way and neither in a good way :/ You get me right ?
Men allt efter 17 va okaaay ! (Övningsuppg 2 skulle in då, Teeheee!)
måndag 10 december 2012
Ebelyteng <3
Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. Ashley Smith
fredag 30 november 2012
Snow for a couple of dayz ?
Öhhh ... Odd or.what ? It has been snowing constantly for a couple of days...shnnnnoooooow
Bridal mask <3
Serien utspelar sig i 30talet and i simply looove it ! It.reminds me.of Capital scandal, a drama worth while watching <3 the fact that Kang ji hwan was the mainlead was the flavouring of tjr drama ! Bridal mask, however, was different, it was more.modern, which it obviously wasent ! Buuut this drama waaaas onw of the.beeesssst i have ever watched ! Määäktig.!
fredag 23 november 2012
Saito Hiroshi <3
Thaaat dude has takwn over sleep, i rather watch Bridal mask then take my Beauty sleep !
Me..k..anik.. I think ^^
Hahahahah mekaniken får.mig se smart.ut men känna mig riktigt dum , hahahah you know what i mean :-P
Hahahah nu kmr man på alla deadlines man har ! ;-) uschh ! Ja har gått runt o tänkt att all ska in 17 december , and you know how much means for me ! Uncounsiously i delete all other deadlines and completely forget about the work i have waiting for me !
Ja har en sttoooe feet fuul deadline waiting for me på måndag ! Dt är tre (gigantiska) delar , o ja har inte gjort en enda
Ja o datum !
Our Chemistry is hard to explain , To complicated for the average person to understand.
We depened on each other,
we believe in each other
We are connected , related
We complete each other in a way no one can !
We are one !
But we dont cooparate, we do try, but it never works !
fredag 16 november 2012
Perfektionist !
Jag kaan verkligen inte ha oreda i min ryggsäck ! It geets to me !. Eats on me hahahah jaaa seriöst
torsdag 15 november 2012
fredag 2 november 2012
tisdag 30 oktober 2012
söndag 21 oktober 2012
I'm Determind
Jag är heelt Kär *.*
söndag 14 oktober 2012
lördag 13 oktober 2012
The Childrens Era !
Kan ni fatta att barnrumpan Choi minho is a leadactor in a drama ! O dt e inte vilken drama som helst, dt e koreanska ver. Av Hana kimi...
Haard to Believe ! Imoon vi kmr see 00-or som har lead roles, o där kmr vi sitta o baa smooking aiigiya !. Oochaaa thaaats baaad, real baad!
onsdag 10 oktober 2012
You know when things get boring...
I just wanna bang my head on a wall just if that would make anything better :-(