lördag 31 mars 2012
Helt ärligt måste jag säga att jag tycker om det här nya ver. av HP mycket mer än vad jag tyckte om den gammla. The old one was to complicated, too extravigated for my understanding. Jag minns att alla delar var lagda i en stor klump så att man gjorde varje del för sig, and this ofc meant that if you happened to realize (as I did) that your stratagy was poor, you couldn't do much to improve... However, in this new one we were given a piece of each test as one completed test , which obviously resulted in that there would be two test of the same kind...A chance for improvement ;)
BTW, Jag har alrdig fattat grejen med att skriva ner sina svar på den personliga kontrollen, Like why the hell would I do that... Helt seriöst , jag kan vänta med att va missnöjd (om dt e d ja ska bli, Inshallah inte =P). Were there is no Logic, there is no reason !
Dear weather, Did the sky cheat again ?
Vaddå snö idag, när lördag förra veckan vaar soooligt
O fiint <3
fredag 30 mars 2012
En Typisk Jag sak !
I better learn not to only study the day before the test :-( såååå Högskoleprovet HERE I COME !
torsdag 29 mars 2012
Hahahaha, sooo true !
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
- Douglas Adams
Hahaha, Yo Soy Huuungryy, and look how yummi that looks !
Why do I always study last minute !
Jag säger alltid att jag ska aldrig göra om dt, men dt känns som jag lever i en motsatt värld ! A world that keeps on telling me to do things I aint supposed to :-( buuut Whaaaateevvaaaa ! Nu ska jag soova, o ha massa sweet dreams <3 *inshallah*
onsdag 28 mars 2012
Micro simkort , easy to make !
Hahahaha, igår satt ja o nana o klippte ett vanligt simkort till ett micro simkort , we failed first time but the second time it was succesfull !
Men helt seriöst ! , vrf klipper d inte till en i butiken ! När d ändå vet att de måste göras :|
Woow , Fantastic baby <3
The awesome feeling of knowing that you got brand new songs to listen to!
Igår kväll la jag in hela big bangs nya mini album i min mobil, and the feeling is hard to describe , ! Pure happieness is the only thing close to the feeling !
Soo peeeps you shouuld soo listen to the wonder of this new mini album ! <3 Big Bang never disapoint, they only suprise , ofc there are some less pleasent suprisess
Dagen börja fint men den kmr säker sluta dåligt
Precis som vädret, imorse vare soligt i varmt o i eftermiddan när ja var på väg hem regna det som attans ! :-(
tisdag 27 mars 2012
måndag 26 mars 2012
Projektarbete is killing me painfully !
Yees not softly, but painfully ! Har såå mycket att göra meen såå lite tid !
A day like this knocks me dooown
Nu när man inser att man har himmel o jord att göra kan man knappt fatta det ! My head hurts, but I have to deal with this the best possible way ! And so i Inshallah will !
söndag 25 mars 2012
The masters passion
It's the soul's duty to be loyal to its own desires. It must abandon itself to its master passion.
- Rebecca West
lördag 24 mars 2012
Creeepy !
Oh maamaa ! Jag går in i min wordfeud o märkar att 'jag'(förmodligen inte jag , för jag känner knappast igen ordet) har lagt fram några ord. Jag lyckas missa d där 3 sekunderna när bokstäverna blinkar, så ja trycker play, o får 60 poäng för KAS ? Wuut :-/ I played, but who layed the letters?
fredag 23 mars 2012
Simplicity <3
All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
- Sir Winston Churchill
Americas Next Top Model, Brittish invasion
I don't know if i have mentioned the fact that Nana and I started watching this awhile ago :-P I must say that this cyckle has much more to offer than last one. The all star seasson was a pure pain ! It felt like Tyra had brought in all the bad bitches that we hated, simply the ones I couldn't stand ! Ofc there were some talented, but unfortunately, the worst star won the All star season ! Like wuutaafaaak
Whateva whateva
I just wanted to mention that the last episode I watched(third i think, but the one that aired last week ;-) ) there were soo much Draaamaa ! There was even this girl that left the competion, and I must say she had all rights to ! There was this British jury had been too much on set , she was pickin on everyone ! Tragic women , in need of attention
They Finally did !
I have been waiting for this confession to come up and it finally did today :-D Ezra took more courage upon himself than what he could have handled :-P Poor thing :-(
Buut it was a good one, and somebody ended up with a fatlip, I won't tell who thought 0:)
torsdag 22 mars 2012
Looki looki !
Jag har köpt 30st tändsticksaskar som jag planerar på att använda till arkitekturprovet. I really wanna give it a try,since I think the subjects sound supper intressting !
Äntligen !
Jag gjorde just klart min 10 års sena inlämning för SoF :-D hahahah den skulle in i början av Januari , Och vi fick den sent i november '^^
Thiis week
Has been amazing ! Not for its incidents nor for its People, but for its acomplishment :-D
Jag kan nu stryka bort en hel klump med assigments :-D :-D
Feels actually like I have used this week wisely !! :-D
I must to this!
onsdag 21 mars 2012
SHINee Sherlock
I loove their cloths and their styles <3
tisdag 20 mars 2012
How about forgetting something you never experianced !
Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.
- J. K. Rowling
Long Time noo seen !
Det är alltid så med mig , jag börjar göra ngt, but I never finish it !
I have decided to make this blogg different , to make it one that i continusly uppdate. Since it was meant to be like a diary, that i Hopefully can come back to and read whenever ! :-D
torsdag 15 mars 2012
I'm noot good at planning !!
Imorse skulle jag ta tbanan som åkte 10.36 buut buut , så bäst som jag är åker jag hem ifrån 11:06 och jag sprang halva vägen till tbanan !
onsdag 14 mars 2012
Pretty Little Liars
Too good to be true !!!
I have offically learned somethin ! Don't ever make a lie you can't cover up for !
And don't share secrets with friends ! And doon't make friends at all !!
Huvudvärk !
Ja gick o la mig igår skiit sur så imorse vakna jag med värsta huvudvärken !
Bilden va tagen tisda vecka 8 ;-)
tisdag 13 mars 2012
Noot good, but neither bad. Just airy !
Thats how I feel right now ! , there are soo many deadlines aprooching, and I aint ready for any of them !
In a Couple of hours I've got a physics test, and for some weird reason I not feeling stressed. The feeling has nothing to do with me being confident of rocking this test, since I pretty sure know that I have zero knowledge in this ! Just making that confession makes me feel worried ! There is just too much going on ! There is no stop to anything ! I feel tired and worn out.
All I need is a moment to breath out ! But I wont have any untill juni 14th ! (it should be the 5th , buut I will still have school work after graduation !)
lördag 10 mars 2012
My Newest Idol
torsdag 8 mars 2012
Easy to say, but hard to put it in action !
If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man.
- Paulo Cuelho
onsdag 7 mars 2012
KONY 2012
An aweful reality !
I have got a deadline or a test everyday next week, Every freaking school day ! Ootoke O.o
tisdag 6 mars 2012
But It's okay ;-)
Wanna see a real nigga?
I just look into the mirror.
Niggas talk shit about us - but it's ok!
Game ain't shit without us - but it's ok!
No, you can't live without us - it's ok!
But go ahead, you can doubt us - it's ok!
- Style P feat Jadkiss
måndag 5 mars 2012
söndag 4 mars 2012
Please Wake up for your Childrens Sake !
Soomaaliyeey toosoo
Toosoo isku tiirsada ee
Hadba kiina taagdaranee
Taageera waligiinee
Somalis wake up,
Wake up and support each other
Support your country
Support them forever.
lördag 3 mars 2012
Oy! ... You dropped somethin....your Dignity
I didn't know that age and name mattered that much ! Jin wook seriously liked her age and her name more then her, since when these two things changed, so did his love for her ! What rutten scumbag !