Mee !!!!
tisdag 31 januari 2012
I wish I had a Somali dictionary in my head !
Det här funkar verkligen inte ! Jag måste faan kolla up varanat ord som sägs ! Okaay ja driver , it aint that baad !!
Men värst av all är ju att den där somaliska lexikon grejen är såå sopig
Good bye my Love !
Last night we finished watching princess's Man , and it waas soo good. BY faaar the best Joseon period drama ending!
I haaate, I truely mean that ! I hate it when they kill the main lead actor/actress ! I'm like seriously , did I waste all this hours to see this fool killed ! Oh no , I didn't !
And sadly I just relized that almost all Joseon period dramas (up to this drama) have had one thing in common, and that has been killing of the main lead actor! WHY , For real now ! Why would you , as a scriptwriter kill off those sick ass dudes ? They haave all been gracious and saint like, there has never been a ounce of dirth on them ! So why , waeee ?! :-(
Where does all my time go ?
I'm trying to read this book, but soo far , its main duty has been to take up space in my bag !
This book actually reminds me of 49 days , and I looved that drama ! I remember that I refused to watch it because I'd heard that it was a sad drama.<br>
If those spoiling idiots only had mentioned how freaking awesome it was instead of saying it was saad and blaah blah tears here and tears there ! I'd been aware of its Beauty !
I do admit that there were some tears but those tears were tears of admiration ! <3<3<3
Check this out !
Why complain when I aint gonna feel any better from it !
Kolla vad ja trolla o lekte cool me !! actually looks pretty darn cool
I'm sooo sleeepy :-(
Jag vill fan sova nu ,but I shouldn't ! Haar projekt arbete att göra :-( såå bäst som jag är har jag inte ens valt en produkt att arbeta med ! I'm hating on this !
Jag har såå mycket att tänka på ! Kmr faan få vitt hår snart ! :-(
måndag 30 januari 2012
I'm a Fool !
Jag förlåter föör lätt ! I'm a sucker for those things !
It makes me pissed to know that these people will end up underestimating me !
Bitch I'm superior to you !
söndag 29 januari 2012
What you don't see can't be overlooked.
Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less.
- Rabbi Julius Gordon
It reminds me of Princess's Man <3
lördag 28 januari 2012
I think Donghae is Amber's Lost brother ..!
I think Dong Hae from SuJu Looks like Amber from f(x)!!....Theey seriously do ! It just that amber wears more make up than Dong Hae.!
I'm Kinda guessing that this fact has come to their acknowledgment
I don't know what it is, either he looks like a girl (which I doubt) or She looks like a guy....but its mean to say that a girl looks like a guy, Its Offending , its waay more okay to say a guy looks like a chick !! I'm just sayiing.... 0.0
OhhMaaaGoot! loord forbids ! They got a third one!
Yuup No one but Shinee's Jonghyun!
Vampire diaries <3
<p>Hahahah seriously , Elena has robbed a entire store fron their basic shirts ! On Every episode she got atleast 3-4 different basic shirts !<br>
Hahahah , I should sleep soon :-P and btw everyone in the serie have ugly,I mean like deadly ugly eyebrows ! That should be counted as an abuse, my eyes are bleeding :-(
fredag 27 januari 2012
I looove ....
Vimto , da best drink ever !! It reminds me of Ramadan, the awesome feeling when your starving and you're seated infront of a table full of food. You're counting the hours, minutes and seconds. The month of Ramadan is probably the only month that i continiously keep maghribs time on mind.
HAhahah Guess WHO
I Looove Ears!
Jag tycker folk me stora dumbo öron är såå himla sööta! När öronen sticker ut grovt mycket är ju jätte charmigt! I mean it !!!
But thats not the only reason, I have noticed that ear's in general catches my attention, most probably because I got a thing for ear piercings. I honestly think that they are the pretties form of piercing , they're simple in a crazy elegant way that make me fall head over heals for them every time I see them ,all over again. FOR REAL NOW!
Not long a ago...or a time ago, I took my first piercing for my Industrial , and I can say from the bottom of my heart, that I looved it!! I don't know what made it that awesome, the company or the happening ?!. I took it with a friend and both of us , at that time, were under 18 so it resulted in that we had to bring our parents. And we made it to Daughter father time Hahaaha =D =D =D =D =D =D =D
For all of ya that don't know how an industrial looks like ~~~Viola~~~that the beauty <3
This is the part that I have done soo far =)
Jaag vill Haaa en sån häär 0.0
Är man jag såå här man flum på de bästa sättet ... Just FYI....PEAAACEE OUT
torsdag 26 januari 2012
Technology is taking over
>Det finns en låt av Tablo som har ngt m teachnology ...but I dont know which song it is :-(
But anyhow d va inte dt ja skulle skriva:-P
Men har ni oxå märkt att så fort man säger att man ska göra läxor, så är dt första man drar up datorn ! A basic rule in This Century I'd guess!,
O värst av allt, d e inte så att man pluggar då man har datan uppe ,fast tvärtom. Atleast thats the case for me ! Jag hamnar i alla ställen jag absolut inte borde. Oftast e d sånna saker som kan vänta tills helgen, men näe näe, this Girl right here has a curiousity that is overpowering here demands !
Thats it for today! Måste gå o lägga mig för ja ska tidigt till skolan imon ! Börjar 13:25 men är tvungen att va i skolan 9:55 för ja ska ha some fun PH time...naaaat !
Fate they say...
Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
-William Jennings Bryan
onsdag 25 januari 2012
måndag 23 januari 2012
Huvudvärk :-(
My head is on Flames
Its buring the seldomness,
Hurting my eagerness
Obstainig my trust
While killing the esteem,
And continiously destroying my dreams
Respect to be gained ,
Blood to be drained
Pigs to be trained,
söndag 22 januari 2012
The World is getting Koreanized
Ohh Loord! Är det bara ja eller börjar man see hur k-pop slowly blir kändare för varje år som går!
Now days you hear K-pop in the most unexpected places ever !!
Här är en video klipp av sofie something som jobbar me mode i aftonbladet, O Lyssna vilken låt som kommer i 14:12 .
Admire its beauty !
Hihi, Gissa vem som har fixat sig en studentklänning ,!!!? Meee :-D!
All i need is en fiin kofta eller ngt i den sorten och en fluga ! Thats a must ! :-D Har inte bestämt mig hur flugan ska se ut, kanske en svart, en prickig , somethin or anything that will work ! :-P
lördag 21 januari 2012
A Battle won !
The story about th lamp that didn't obey its owner...
The narrator of the story is the picture shown below.
They say girls loove shoes...
... But I don't, I migth fancy them...buut that aint looove!
True Loove is found between me and my jacket <3 heelt seriööst vad skulle världen va utan dem !
Jackor är d bästa men skinjackor är d bäst bästa :-P
Wanna see my beauties ?.....
The birthday of the world greatest <3
Soo far, soo good ;-)
Ida är det Mammas födelseda , and awesomely it resulted in att hela familjen vaa hemma :-D. Heelt seriööst sånt händer bara på höögtider ! Buuut back to da main subject, Min store brosa kom hem o gjorde lunch, a asian one ! Served with soda ^.^
Hahaha han hade ringt tidigt på morgonen o saa att vi skulle se till att mamma inte gjorde lunchen...meen evis soom min mamma är, gjorde hon den ändå...hahaha hon ba , om du vill göra lunch, gör de imon..o jaa ba men ida o imon är inte d samma... I got an "are stupid" look. Ooops 0:)
Sleep late ,wake up early -> daaa shiaaat !
Days like today are the greatest ! Everything feels soo dynamic...
How come I enjoy waking up early , on days I know tthat I have nothing importent to do ! Last night I went to sleep around 2ish, and I had one goal on my mind, I was going to wake up early in order to do nothing but simply enjoying my weekend. This goal would have been a failur if my brother wouldn't had call me.
I woke up , ate breakfast , and went back to my bed without any second thoughts. I didn't go back to sleep , but instead I just laid in my bed and watched some random clips of Anjelah Johnson. I Liike that girl :-D !
Jaaa pallar inte skriva mer soo ciao Bellas <3
Use it wisely....and put your soul to it <3
Use the time to heal the wound,
Use it to deprive the truth,
Don't seal the sound,
Its empire is the trust'd state.
fredag 20 januari 2012
Put a heart in everything
"My eyes and my ears are the gateway to my soul, what I see in here will enter my heart"
Leave me alone by F. Salah